
Meet our founder Dr. Boyce

Dr. Boyce was truly a unique professional. Beginning in 1962, he spent his entire adult life dedicated to education and the tireless achievement of a superior level of work ethic in everything he ever took on and mainly in all phases of the power generation industry.

He was internationally recognized as the expert authority in Turbomachinery, Aerodynamics, Automotive Engineering, Bio-Engineering, Forensic Engineering, Cogeneration, Environmental Engineering and Fluid Mechanics.

His devotion to educating others in the personal persuit of higher education lead him in a direction of training and instruction to individuals and specialized courses to corporations all over the world.

Dr. Boyce’s short resume Dr. Boyce’s long resume

Gas turbines
Turbine and Compressor Design, Operation and Maintenance
Performance and Testing of Combined Cycle Power Plants
Combined Cycle & Cogeneration Plants
Steam Turbines
Centrifugal Compressors

Honors & Awards

His many honors include being appointed to membership of the following scholarly honorary societies such as Sigma Xi, Pi Tau Sigma, Phi Kappa Phi, and Tau Beta Phi. He is the recipient of the ASME Herb Allen award for Excellence in Aerodynamics and the Ralph Teetor Award of SAE for enhancement in Research and Teaching among others.

His most recent award in 2016 is the Clifford C. Furnas Memorial Award from The State University of New York at Buffalo.

Included are his patents as follows:

Velocity probe for compressor surge control

United States Patent 3,930,742; Meherwan P. Boyce January 6, 1976

Integrated Biomass Energy System

United States Patent 2008/0245052A; Meherwan P. Boyce January 6, 1976

Dr. Boyce received a B.S. (1962) and M.S. (1964) in Mechanical Engineering from the South Dakota School of Mines and Technology and the State University of New York respectively, and a Ph.D. (1969) in Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering from the University of Oklahoma.